Monday, July 22, 2024

Experiencing a foreign culture / attending a concert


© by Mark Dempsey

Through a series of coincidences, we got some tickets to see Mexican Mariachi star Pepe Aguilar and his family in concert at the Golden 1 Center–a basketball arena transformed into a horse show arena, complete with dirt floor and fencing. The show's title: Pepe Aguilar presenta Jaripeo: Hasta Los Huesos.

Jaripeos consist of bull riding, caballos bailadores (dancing horses), and live music. Although I’ve even read science fiction about off-planet adventures, not in my wildest imagination did I ever conceive of an event where people would ride dancing horses while singing, never mind a jaripeo. Could this be “culture shock”?

The “hasta los huesos” phrase in the event title means “to the bone,” as in “bad to the bone.” The consistent theme of this jaripeo was Mexico’s Day of the Dead when the living remember their dead ancestors and relatives with celebrations and honor them with altars containing food and drink they enjoyed when alive. While not that unusual in world cultures–Confucian traditions also honor ancestors with celebrations and altars–the Mexican tradition has lots of skeletons and skulls.

At one end, the arena had a stage populated by roughly 20 musicians. Centered on that stage, lit from within, were large models of skulls with the names of the principal performers inscribed on their foreheads. The announcer (ringmaster?) of the jaripeo was a man dressed in a skeleton costume, complete with a sombrero, and virtually all of the many dancers who accompanied the vocalists were costumed as skeletons.

The performers themselves wore costumes that recall bullfighters' “suit of lights”- replete with embroidery and glowing sequins. Some dancers even wore costumes with LEDs, and one of the final “dancing” acts included two twelve-foot-tall LED-lit skeletons who danced with one another as the music played.

So Mexicans aren’t nearly as squeamish about death as gringos. They dance with it; they play with it; they acknowledge it and keep it consciously in their environment rather than denying it. Mexico truly has a different culture.

The first two riders who circled the arena held a Mexican flag and an American flag, while the skeleton-master-of-ceremonies cried “¡Viva Mexico!” The largely Hispanic crowd echoed this statement with gusto.

The principal entertainers rode into the arena on horseback, microphone in hand, singing. The horses they rode were exquisitely groomed. Their hooves were polished, and their manes flowed gracefully down, often below their neck. We joked that some manes had a perm–they were wavy-haired.

The horses were also exquisitely trained. As their riders sang they danced and pranced to the music. Most of the music was mariachi, or mariachi-adjacent, sung with such passion and gusto that I found tears welling up in my eyes. It’s music from the heart.

Between bouts of music and emotion, non-vocalists entertained. One was a lariat artist, who brought plain, LED-lit, and on-fire ropes to whisk around. Another was a clown parodying a bullfighter with a stuffed animal bull.

Believe it or not, the concert, excuse me “jaripeo,” also included a bull-riding contest, exactly like rodeos. Not your typical concert...!

All-in-all, we certainly got more than we bargained for in entertainment, and a lesson worth remembering about how limited imagination is. This discovery might be encouraging in a discouraging world. Perhaps how we’ve imagined things to be is not the end of imagining. Perhaps there’s a counterpoint to the notion that things are never so bad they can’t get worse, to which I say “¡Viva Mexico!”

For those who want video of a jaripeo:

–Mark Dempsey is married to a Hispanic woman (who is in the US legally, even if she weren’t married) and is grateful to have her as a constant reminder that things don’t always have to be done the American way. He’s also mindful that going to a concert unmasked is dangerous. See this graph of recent test positivity:

…so he wore his KN-95 mask

Saturday, July 20, 2024

7/20/24 Links - Healthcare for the homeless, Bernie endorses Biden

 A California Medical Group Treats Only Homeless Patients — And Makes Money Doing It

Excerpt: It is sad but telling that the editors of this KFF Health News story find the need to justify health care for the homeless by touting that it is financially self-supporting, as opposed to, say, saving overall medical cost by reducing costly (and designed to be scarce) ER use by the homeless, or improving public health, say by reducing disease outbreaks (tuberculosis, anyone?) or just being the right thing to do. But in our neoliberal system, mercenary considerations dominate all others.

Bernie Sanders Wants Joe Biden to Stay in the Race 

Bernie is loyal to Biden despite disagreement over Gaza–a prime example of the kind of politics necessary for a functioning democracy.

Monday, July 15, 2024

China shows the way...

‘It’s good news’: Scientists suspect history about to be made in China - The world’s economy is growing. China’s economy is growing. Yet greenhouse gas emissions appear to have peaked.

Meanhile, Michael Roberts writes an account of the latest Chinese government get-together. Excerpt: As the Asian Times writer put it: “what is economic success, what is value creation? Maybe, just maybe, it’s the approach that delivers the most tangible improvements in people’s lives, instead of trillion-dollar companies and billionaire CEOs.”

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biden's actual economics


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Real Quotes From Hypothetical Gurus

Real Quotes From Hypothetical Gurus
by Caitlin Johnstone

“Being a guru is weird, man. I mean, how many different ways can you say ‘Hey you ever notice how everything just kinda is? Well, it just kinda is!’ But the words come anyway. Somehow they keep on coming.”

~ Hank “Bonesaw” Lucille

“The most worthwhile spiritual teachings don’t actually teach you any new knowledge. Rather, they direct your attention to aspects of your own experience that you’d previously overlooked or hadn’t paid much attention to. They get you questioning your unquestioned assumptions about very fundamental components of your experience like your sense of self, your means of perception, and the workings of your own mind. The most skillful teachers therefore don’t require you to trust them or take anything they say on faith, because you can immediately examine everything they’re pointing your attention toward for yourself in your own experience.”

~ Margaret Tetherwood

“Authentic spirituality is scarcely even recognizable as spirituality. It doesn’t give you new beliefs — it strips your old beliefs away. It doesn’t uplift you from the muck and mess of this world — it plunges you headfirst right into it. It doesn’t help you become a better person — it dispels the illusion that there was ever a person to begin with.”

~ Margaret Tetherwood

“Beauty is just the experience of having truly seen something. If you’re not seeing beauty somewhere, you’re not really seeing what you’re looking at. Everything has beauty. The failure to recognize it lies always with the beholder.”

~ Quincy Harrington-Cho

“Psychedelics are useful not for the hallucinations they give you but for the hallucinations they take away.”

~ Alice Cave

“I’ve killed off so many Hanks along this crazy path. Angry Hank. Hank the victim. Hank the cage fighter. Tough guy Hank, and then spiritual guy Hank after him. One of the last ones to leave was Cool Hank, but he had to go, because, man, you really do not get to be cool on this path. You really, really don’t. Being radically truthful on every level leaves you raw and undisguised, right out in the open, in all your dorky awkwardness. If you really let old lady Truth have her way with you, you’ll never get to feel cool again. How could anyone be cool with their fuckin’ ribcage splayed open to the whole entire world?”

~ Hank “Bonesaw” Lucille

“Love — the real kind — is simply having a deep and intimate ‘yes’ to something. If you have a deep and intimate ‘yes’ to everything about your partner, then you may say that you fully love your partner. If you have a deep and intimate ‘yes’ to everything about your own body and mind and all their expressions, then you may say that you fully love yourself. If you have a deep and intimate ‘yes’ to everything that arises in your experience of the world, then you may say that you are fully living in unconditional love.

“And really, what else is there? Why be in argument with anything that already is? You can work toward positive changes in our world while holding a deep and intimate ‘yes’ to everything that already is here and now. If you start an argument with the present moment, you’ve already lost the debate anyway. Unconditional love is just being real about reality, and then doing what comes naturally.”

~ Louisiana Fetterman

“The human organism seemingly creates the ego out of a desire to feel in control of life, but the joke of it all is that the ego has never really existed, and that life is never, ever under control. There has never at any time been an actual self anywhere who could exert any kind of control over any of this; it’s just an imaginary construct that gets imbued with the power of belief out of the organism’s concern for safety and security, and then all your personal dramas and conflicts and anxieties and fears arose out of the contracted energy of that belief. But the whole thing was based on a complete fiction! That’s why awakening is so often immediately followed by laughter: because that whole mess never even happened. It was all an imaginary clown show for ghosts who never bought tickets.

“Other animals don’t have this problem. Because they don’t have the capacity for abstract thought, when those organisms experience frightening events in their lives they aren’t able to kind of pop their attention out of their bodies and enter a mental fantasy world starring an imaginary ‘me’ character to help them feel as though things are more manageable and controlled. So instead they just shake the fear out of their bodies and move on.

“The human organism can learn to do this too, but its immense capacity for abstract thought tends to get in the way. All that newly evolved brain matter has in many ways made humans quite stupid.”

~ “Andromeda”, as channeled by Cynthia M Scott

“Time is a mirage.
Life is impersonal energy masquerading as personal experiences.
Reality is made of unknowing.
I am nothing but a welcome mat
for anything that could possibly be.”

~ Alice Cave

“Enlightenment will cost you everything, but after you’ve paid the toll you realize that the big pile of cash you’d been protecting your entire life was just a bunch of worthless Monopoly board game money that whole time.”

~ Omshanti Ramananda Kowalski

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

7/9/24 Warren Mosler's Bloomberg Interview

 Does Modern Monetary Theory recognizes fiscal limits? Mosler says "Yes!"

 ...rate cuts by central banks are deflationary because they deny the economy interest income... Increasing rates is inflationary if national debt is large. Ownership of government bonds is largely wealthy people, so their income increases with higher rates.

What Would Kamala Harris Do About Corporate Power?

What Would Kamala Harris Do About Corporate Power? - a detailed look into her record by Matt Stoller Meanwhile: US Voters Want Change, Bid...