Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The State of COVID + Generous Rich Peeps


Friday, February 9, 2024

Tucker Carlson's Putin Interview


Here's a complete transcript (English + Russian)

Naked Capitalism's reaction.

Ian Welsh's reaction.

Gilbert Doctorow's reaction

Larry Johnson's reaction...cites US press reactions.

I confess I'm partial to the transcript rather than the video. Ian Welsh is my favorite link for reactions.

Pretty much the universal consensus among those reactions: Putin is at the top of his game, and obviously more intelligent and coherent than any Western leader, although Doctorow criticizes him for starting with a history lesson. (One might expect a country whose form of polite address names ancestors--e.g. Vladimir Vladimirov--would value historical explanations.)

I'll add that electing weak, even senile leaders serves the portion of the population that wants a weak state. These people are the wealthy elite who often got that way through fraud or deceit, or inherited from those who did ("Behind every great fortune lies a great crime" - Honore de Balzac). They have found strong states serve too many people, and threaten the fortunes this elite can extort from the population with impunity.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

US vs. China


American Business or Criminal Enterprise?

  "Over 83 hrs, Deepseek server cluster was subjected to over 230 million DDoS malicious requests per second, with the total attack vol...