Thursday, July 12, 2018

Trump, Trump, Trump

“Politics is a lot like coaching football. You have to be smart enough to actually do the job, but stupid enough to think it makes the slightest difference.” -- (Senator) Eugene McCarthy

What to do about Trump? The whole idea that politics can make a difference is open to question. Eugene McCarthy’s saying is not the only way politics frustrates us. I’ve talked to legislators who spent their entire careers in (California) government, and they tell me they accomplished relatively tiny things. One lobbyist told me he would like to take credit for the successes he enjoyed, but he couldn’t even do that. “Maybe I just got lucky, and our opposition got tired of fighting us.”

So frustration is rampant in American politics, and Trump’s ability to turn that into the material for a reality show (while, sub-rosa, he gets his way in important matters) is a nice change of pace.

The bottom line about Trump: he enjoys the attention. I plan to ignore him as much as possible.

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