Sunday, June 9, 2019

If you thought politics was contentious, try...diets!

I've written about diets previously (here). The misinformation about diet is everywhere. Channel surfing I saw this guy (Josh Axe) touting the keto diet on PBS. There's a lot more about that keto diet in the first sentence's link. According to "Doctor" Axe, it'll do everything but open that tight pickle jar. Read the link and/or look at the video, you'll see Axe is clearly a charlatan, yet he is what passes for diet authority nowadays.

Even worse, the chronically-underfunded public broadcast system can't afford to turn him down! Talk about fake news!

Similarly, a friend of mine lost a bunch of weight, doing Wheat Belly (essentially avoiding wheat and grain in his diet). The doctor promoting that diet is another medical outlier, promoting unsubstantiated claims. The link provides the details.

The trouble with just counting pounds lost is that low-calorie, low carbohydrate diets effectively program your body for famine. More of what you eat goes to fat. If you lose seven pounds on such a diet, only two will be fat, the rest is lean body mass--in other words, the stuff that burns the fat disappears two and a half times faster than the fat.

Normal healthy body fat for men is 15% body fat, for women is 22%. In an odd twist, the people who starve themselves may look thin, but they have the fat marbled throughout their muscles. Anorexics are often as much as 41% fat!

So...take care, my readers. Grifters and con men are not just running for political office.

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