Sunday, December 27, 2020

Austerity for the richest nation on earth, while others relieve the COVID-19 pain

Stimulus Relief Funds

Australia:$ 1,993. a month
Canada:$ 1,433. a month
Denmark:Up to $ 3,288. a month
France:Up to $7,575. a month
German:Up to $ 7,326.78 a month
Ireland:Up to $ 1,793.44 a month
UK:Up to $ 3,084. a month
US:$ 1,200. to last for 32 weeks  

Meanwhile: Thailand’s Social Security Office to pay out workers at 50% of daily wages for up to 90 days if forced to stop work due to Covid-19 -  Pattya News. 

Wait...wasn't Thailand a third-world country? 

Update: Vietnam – a poor country close to China with a population of almost 100 million – has had a total number of 35 (thirty five) Covid deaths. - Who's the shithole now?

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