Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Thom Hartmann nails it

 in Why Don't They Want Us to Look Up? (a review of the political allegory Don't Look Up on Netflix)

 Excerpt: "'Small government' freaks don’t want you to look up at how trust in our government has fallen from over 80% in the 1960s to fewer than 30% today, or how that’s the direct result of Reagan’s 'government is not the solution to your problems, it is the problem' hustle that led to Trumpism and is today tearing America apart.

Republican governors don’t want their citizens to look up at how they continue to use racist tropes and dog-whistle appeals to frighten and thus hang onto a majority of the white vote.

Those governors and legislators don’t want you to look up at how they’re rewriting history and threatening teachers, passing laws that either outright ban teaching the actual history of race relations, slavery, and the Civil War, or, as in Florida, empower parents to sue teachers who mention a word about race."

Meanwhile: Biden’s Agenda Is on Its Death Bed Because the Interests of the Rich and Poor Are Irreconcilable — Branko Marcetic ...which, if true, means that the vast majority of the population (i.e. those poorer than the billionaires) will continue to receive a constant stream of news-like sludge that is essentially deceptive.

The problem with lies is not only that they're unethical, it's that they tend to deceive even the liars. So...a country of the deluded led by the deluded is what to expect. Why else would a transparent phony like Trump be hailed as a savior when he called out fake news?

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Chickens after the price of eggs went up

  Chickens after the price of eggs went up.. 😅 — Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden) March 3, 2025