Friday, March 3, 2023

The Systemic Incentive for More Crime

 Answering a bunch of bloggers asking for bigger carjacking penalties:

"The law, in its magnificent equality forbids rich and poor alike from sleeping under bridges, begging in the street, and stealing bread [or transportation]" - Anatole France (1844 - 1924)

Treating crime as a problem of individuals naturally brings one to condemn the criminal. But crime has a large systemic component. When 40% of U.S. population can't handle a $400 emergency, and 65% of seniors have only Social Security to fund their retirement, then lots of people are in desperate situations. My friends on the police force must face them more frequently, too.

It's far cheaper and more humane to fund social safety nets, even if some "non-deserving" criminal profits. Currently, the U.S. is doubling down on domination and suppression. U.S. population '82 - 2017 increased 42%. Police funding increased 187%.

Crime is actually in a decades-long decline thanks to our aging population. Canada, with identical age demographics, incarcerates one seventh as many per capita, and has insignificantly different crime stats than the U.S.

Meanwhile, "blue-collar" crime (robbery, mugging, etc.) costs $12 billion annually, while white collar crime (fraud, embezzlement, etc.) costs $1 trillion, says the FBI. Where are the Wall St. guys doing the perp walk? [crickets]

The City of Denver discovered handing homeless people vouchers meant 40% fewer arrests in that population. Cheaper and more humane, I say.

The clamor for more draconian penalties is straining at a gnat while swallowing a camel.


As for "soft on crime" D's who want to "Defund the police"...Every Democratic candidate I've seen campaigning has repudiated that (very accurate) slogan. Every one, without exception.

As for being "soft" ... I'd settle for not being stupid. If you have a stick and a carrot, but only use the stick, not even a donkey will behave. The U.S. is stick-addicted. It's a thug, starting wars overseas, and on its own people. Just remember that the next time you read Putin was "unprovoked."


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