Saturday, July 20, 2024

7/20/24 Links - Healthcare for the homeless, Bernie endorses Biden

 A California Medical Group Treats Only Homeless Patients — And Makes Money Doing It

Excerpt: It is sad but telling that the editors of this KFF Health News story find the need to justify health care for the homeless by touting that it is financially self-supporting, as opposed to, say, saving overall medical cost by reducing costly (and designed to be scarce) ER use by the homeless, or improving public health, say by reducing disease outbreaks (tuberculosis, anyone?) or just being the right thing to do. But in our neoliberal system, mercenary considerations dominate all others.

Bernie Sanders Wants Joe Biden to Stay in the Race 

Bernie is loyal to Biden despite disagreement over Gaza–a prime example of the kind of politics necessary for a functioning democracy.

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