Sunday, August 4, 2024

Trump is a symptom, not the disease

From John Ganz

"...assassinating Julius Caesar could never work: the world itself was changed; this one particular individual cold be done away with, but his type of rule was here to stay… The Hegelian repetition has occurred. 'Trumpism' isn’t confined to the person of Donald John any more than Caesarism was confined to the person of Gaius Julius. It’s the way things are now. Cynics who would gladly see democracy dead and buried like to say, 'politicians, they’re all the same.' They now have a point.

"I still believe Trump is the worse of the two options, the harder edge of this politics of despair that we must do our best to mitigate… perhaps removing Biden wouldn’t work either, just as assassinating Caesear didn’t. This is not an adventitious thing. It’s systemic. The revolution has already taken place."

Update: Chris Hedges interview confirms this.


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