Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves

 Missouri executes a man whose prosecutor requested they not.

Excerpt:"Missouri’s execution of Williams puts the U.S. one step closer to a grim milestone: With four states slated to conduct four executions by the end of this week, the country will soon reach its 1,600th execution since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976. While public support for capital punishment continues to decline and juries are voting far less to impose capital punishment, officials in states like Missouri, Texas, and Oklahoma continue to schedule executions — including in cases like Williams, where questions about the underlying conviction and its fairness persist — Democrats scrubbed their long-standing goal of ending capital punishment from their platform this year. To date, 200 people on death row have been exonerated: a rate of 1 exoneration for every 8 executions carried out.

"In the days leading up to Williams’s execution, more than 1 million people contacted Parson’s office asking that he spare Williams’s life, and billionaire abolitionist Richard Branson took out a full-page ad in the Kansas City Star asking readers to do the same. In denying to offer clemency, Parson criticized the media as biased and said that nothing from the 'real facts' of the case lead him to believe Williams was innocent"

True internationally, too:

Militarism Abuse Disorder

Excerpt: "The Peter G. Peterson Foundation estimates that, in 2023, the United States of America spent $142 billion buying weapons systems and another $122 billion on the research and development of future weaponry and other militarized equipment. And keep in mind that those big numbers represent only a small fraction of any Pentagon budget, the latest of which the Pentagon’s proposing to be $849.8 billion for 2025 — and that’s just one year (and not all of what passes for “national defense” spending either). A recent analysis by the Costs of War Project at Brown University calculated that, since September 11, 2001, the United States has used an estimated $8 trillion-plus just for its post-9/11 wars. Talk about addiction! It makes me pretty MAD, if I’m being honest with you!"


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