Friday, October 18, 2024

How Kamala Loses; How Kamala Wins

 (c) by Mark Dempsey     

A blogger I read--Ian Welsh--notes that Kamala is making the Hillary mistake. When asked what she would change about the Biden administration's policies, she answered "Nothing comes to mind."...just as Hillary asserted America was already great. 

Wasn't doing more of the same while expecting a different outcome the litmust test for insanity?

Harris' approach discounts the extraordinary discontent embodied in Trump's candidacy. He's the neutron bomb of candidates, set to wipe out Washington D.C.'s smug patricians who have bungled crisis after crisis. To feign ignorance of Trumpists' discontent--and it's got to be feigned, or Kamala is sleep walking through the campaign--ignores so much of what motivates voters.

Let's face it, American voters primarily vote against candidates. In fact, they don't bother to vote if it looks futile. In 2016, if "Didn't Bother to Vote" was a candidate, it would have beaten both major party candidates (Hillary and Trump) handily. Here's 2020...and didn't bother to vote is still a huge factor.

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] What if "I didn't vote" ran as a US presidential candidate in the 2020 election?

That Trump got more votes than any previous presidential candidate in 2016 is a gauge of just how deep that discontent runs. 

So Kamala can say something like "I admire Joe Biden, but I'm my own person, and I plan to make some changes to address Trump voters' concerns." That would at least acknowledge some things need to change--and change enough for voters to support a lying serial bankrupt abuser rather than her own campaign.


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