Thursday, February 14, 2019

Hillary's campaign was not NORMAL

Mark Gisleson
I’m sorry I lack the credentials to make this case more forcefully, but as a veteran of political campaigns from local to presidential, nothing about Hillary Clinton’s campaigns is NORMAL.
She doesn’t run campaigns that are organized like actual political campaigns. She instead establishes a cult of personality that is direct at odds with classic strategies for winning elections.
Her people use wedges to divide and shrink the electorate.
Instead of turning out the vote, they try to discourage people from voting.
Instead of reaching out to their base (whom they secretly despise) they focus on their enemies.
They seek to discredit their enemies even within their own party.
They burn bridges.
There is no way for grassroots to communicate upwards.
Dissent is not tolerated (even if it’s heard which is unlikely).
They are NEVER to blame. Anything that goes wrong is someone else’s fault.
When they lose, no lie is too egregious, no blameshifting too outrageous.
They do not fail, others fail them.
Campaigns fall apart after each election. Cults persist. The Clintonites are still fighting to cover up what happened in 2016. There’s nothing normal about that. So long as the party and the Clintonites are not held accountable, we will continue to struggle with bad choices at the ballot box.

(from's comments)

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