Thursday, February 7, 2019

What the Bee ignores about immigration

Re: Ma Figueroa's letter 1/31/19

The letter that said "The U.S. has never been shy in aiding our [south-of-the-border] neighbors when a crisis strikes them" is laughable.

That “aid,” consisted of political, economic and military attacks by the U.S. on its southern neighbors that have been going on for centuries. Between 1798 and 1994, the U.S. is responsible for 41 changes of neighboring governments. Iran/Contra funded a proxy war in Nicaragua. After NAFTA, Mexican real income declined 34%--like the Great Depression in the U.S. Secretary-of-State Hillary endorsed a military coup in Honduras that replaced a democratically-elected government trying to raise their minimum wage from 60¢ and hour (the nerve of those people!). The streams of refugees coming north are very often just victims of U.S. military, economic and political depredations. But, just as in our justice system’s treatment of rape, the victim seems to get the blame.

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