Friday, June 19, 2020

What does "defunding the police" mean? version

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Here's population: 1981 - 229.5 million - 2017 - 325.1 million. That's a 42% increase.

Police funding: 1981 - $40 billion - 2017 - $115 billion. That's a 187.5% increase.

The truth is that for generations, the U.S. has been de-funding the social safety net programs that would make police force less necessary. This includes releasing mental patients, reducing welfare, and being miserly with Social Security Disability (you typically have to hire an attorney to navigate a disability application).

I have friends who are policemen (and women), and I want their jobs to be safer. The social safety net used to be acknowledged as a cheap way to ensure social peace. Now, it's a commonplace for people to believe only frauds and cheats ("welfare queens") get such support. As billionaire investing genius Warren Buffet acknowledges, there's a class war going on, "And," says Buffet, "my class is winning."

37% of Sacramento County's General Fund goes to the Sheriff's dept.

71% of Sacramento County's General Fund goes to Law Enforcement, Jails and Courts.

Meanwhile, there is an alternative:


From Maria Kreutter [LA Times] in the Sacramento Bee,16 Jul 2020

Black men are about 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police use of force than white men are - but [Whites die] in greater overall numbers....

American police kill civilians at far higher rates than police in other wealthy nations. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, a criminal justice think tank, Americans are killed by law enforcement at rates 3.4 times higher than Canadians and 67 times higher than Brits.

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