Monday, January 31, 2022

Bitcoin, Blockchain and NFTs are all scams

(From Tony Wikrent): This video is over two hours long, but one of the best summaries of the financial and economic derangements resulting from Obama’s catastrophic refusal to allow Great Financial Crash of 2008 to destroy its rich instigators. There is a Chapter 0, which focuses on the GFC. Lambert Strether [of] added in his introduction, “every interaction I’ve ever had online with crypto and NFT enthusiasts fully matches what is described here; the nature of the web3 'community' is important to understand. Well worth a listen, as scam after scam after scam is unraveled.” So, the best way to understand the cryptocurrency craze is as a financial mental disorder resulting entirely from the policy failure of not addressing the causes of the GFC. [GFC = the Global Financial Crisis, AKA the "Great Recession"]

Update: On the Inevitability of Trusted Third Parties. ("Trusted Third Parties" is exactly what cryptocurrency tries to bypass)

Excerpt: "if: problem + blockchain = problem - blockchain
then: blockchain = 0"....

“Did you know that 87% of all conversations about blockchain technology are nonconsensual?”

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