Monday, January 3, 2022

Economics/Public Policy Reading Links

What Richard Vague Says that Matt Taibbi, Our Acrophobic Champion for the Duration of the COVD-19 Crisis, Needs to Learn about Stratospheric Levels of Public Debt | naked capitalism
A Quick Note In Response to Naked Capitalism - Reporting by Matt Taibbi
A Universal Basic Income Is Essential and Will Work - LA Progressive
*Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin 2014 Q1
[Essay] The Pessimistic Style in American Politics, by Thomas Frank | Harper's Magazine
Retail Bankruptcies, Bailouts Put Spotlight on Private Equity | naked capitalism
If history was more like science, would it predict the future? | Aeon Essays
The macroeconomics of degrowth: can planned economic contraction be stable? | Prof Steve Keen on Patreon
Corporate Power, Protests and the Breakdown of a Social Contract - BIG by Matt Stoller
*How public housing was destined to fail – Greater Greater Washington
Thermodynamics 2.0 keynote: Macroeconomics, Minsky, & fraud in Neoclassical climate change economics - YouTube
*The Tremendous but "Secret" Success of Socialist Vietnam | Dissident Voice
Banking as a Public Utility – with Ellen Brown | Michael Hudson
Krystal Ball: Alex Morse And How Personal Victimhood Will Doom The Left - YouTube
Why Isn’t Modern Monetary Theory Common Knowledge? – Economics from the Top Down
Institute for New Economic Thinking
Rethinking Economic Growth Theory From a Biophysical Perspective - The Bichler and Nitzan Archives
It’s Time for a Debt “Jubilee” | naked capitalism
Why Americans Need Debt Jubilees, Helicopter Money, and 21st-Century Greenbacks: A 45-minute Conversation with Richard Vague | naked capitalism
Burning Injustice: Why the California Wildfires Are a Class Crisis | naked capitalism
Early American Money - Making Money American: The Monetary Regimes of the New United States - YouTube
Austerity is a sado-masochistic ritual for a powerful elite
How to Move Beyond Utopian Socialism and Libertarianism | naked capitalism
The Dead End of the Left? | Commonweal Magazine
The phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty and embodiment in the world | Aeon Essays
Macroeconomics, Money (MMT Style) and Post-Brexit Recovery, All in One Twitter thread | naked capitalism
Become a Congressional Ratwatcher – Rats Reform Congress
Explaining Fiscal Multipliers, a Stealthy but Important Budget Battleground (Part 1) | naked capitalism
The Legacy of President Donald Trump - TK News by Matt Taibbi
Bitcoin is not a literal Ponzi scheme - Trolly McTrollface's Blog
Letter from a Region in My Mind, by James Baldwin | The New Yorker
Russia: Origin and consequences of the debt repudiation of February 10, 1918
The Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal – Bob Pollin –
Institute for New Economic Thinking
Colonization, Conquest and Our Unconscious Civilization | Ian Welsh
Opinion | Biden Can Go Bigger and Not ‘Pay for It’ the Old Way - The New York Times
Why humans find it so hard to let go of false beliefs | Aeon Essays
Austerity Raises Covid Deaths | naked capitalism
Webinar with Michael Hudson: A 4000-Year Perspective on Economy, Money and Debt | naked capitalism
Peacebuilding is an artform crafted by divided peoples | Aeon Essays
Bank lending - The Center of the Universe
How Much Damage Do Heavy Trucks Do to Our Roads? | Inside Science
‘A Kleptocrat’s dream’: US real estate a safe haven for billions in dirty money, report says - Wildernmill
Philosophers of Capitalism: How Hume Civilized Money -
5 years since the 2016 Coup: an Interview with Dilma Rousseff | Brasil Wire
Opinion | John Yarmuth Is in Favor of Deficit Spending - The New York Times
A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA - CovertAction Magazine
*Pavlina Tcherneva - The Federal Job Guarantee - YouTube
*Why the Conventional Wisdom on Rent Control Isn’t All That Wise
Why Does Congress Fight Over Childcare But Not F-35s? - LA Progressive
How Finland’s criminal justice system compares to the U.S. | WBEZ Chicago
The Truth About Inflation – Economics from the Top Down
Seven Replies to the Critiques of Modern Money Theory | Levy Economics Institute
How to fulfil the need for transcendence after the death of God | Aeon Essays
Neochartalists On Turkey, Part 2 — The Case For Concerted Action
Rendezvous in Mallorca: a conversation with Warren Mosler - The Gower Initiative for Modern Money Studies
What if Everything You Know About Murder Rates and Policing Is Wrong? – Mother Jones
The Interest/Price Spiral | New Wayland
Ellen Brown: The Real Antidote to Inflation –
*The Japanese denial story – Part 1 – Bill Mitchell – Modern Monetary Theory
*All of these are recommended reading/viewing (some are videos), but the asterisks are highly recommended (I've cited them elsewhere)

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Trump's Economic Recovery - A Dead End? (Michael Hudson, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen)

The limits of Trump's understanding of economics...particularly tariffs. The prediction: price inflation without re-industrialization. ...