Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Wokeness needs to wake up

Conservative commentator Sohrab Ahmari’s critique of the purpose of wokeness:

"Wokeness serves two functions for today’s ruling elites. The first is a kind of ideological control directed against Western working classes: wokeness covers over concrete class and economic injus­tices—massive wealth inequality, health precarity, stagnant wages and so on—with a thick fog of mystification. It creates an impression of furious change and even revolutionary activity. Yet what is in fact taking place is mostly intra-elite competition and redistribution: a disabled trans woman may be on the board, but workers still have to relieve themselves in bottles for lack of sufficient breaks."

This somewhat Marxist critique of wokeness is far more honest than the Left’s strained defenses of it.

 Hey, they may be Nazis, but they're women Nazis!

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