Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Donald Trump: The tar baby

 Here's the best article about elite immunity. It documents a history of presidential crime, starting with Grover Cleveland, who apparently raped a woman and fathered a child...then got off scot free. Elite immunity is not anything new.

Compare and contrast to labor persecution:

The Double Standard for Keeping Capital and Labor Honest - Robert Kuttner,  March 29, 2023 [The American Prospect]


The overwhelming majority of union leaders are honest and democratically accountable to the membership. But when corruption sets in, the government doesn’t mess around. According to Labor Department records, in the past decade there were 2,505 criminal investigations of union officials and 821 convictions. Hundreds did prison time, mostly for embezzlement of union funds.

During the same period, not a single top Wall Street executive went to jail, despite the fact that Wall Street frauds cost the economy trillions while the typical union misappropriation was in the thousands or low millions.

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