Saturday, November 18, 2023


 “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.”
― George Orwell

It's worth remembering that (per Henry Kissinger) insurgencies resisting that force don't have to win, they just have to survive.

Meanwhile, between 1982 and 2017, US population increased 42% while spending on policing increased 187%... 

Yet police solve only 15% of the "blue collar" crimes (muggings, robberies, etc.) in California, and less than half (40%) of the murders. According to the FBI, blue collar crime costs the nation $12 billion annually. Wage theft costs $50 billion, and "white-collar" crime (subprime mortgages, financial fraud) costs $1,000 billion.

Guess who goes to jail more often?

 And Sacramento County Supervisors just voted to spend a billion dollars expanding the County Jail. Yes, the jail is full, but 60-80% of its prisoners aren't convicted of anything other than being too poor to afford bail.

Update: 11/19/23 UPI publishes an article saying 58% of those surveyed think the justice system isn't harsh enough.

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