Thursday, April 4, 2019

Sacramento News & Review...the new editorial stance

Sacramento News & Review got a new editor, Foon Rhee, who apparently must have the last word about everything that appears in the paper, including the letters from readers. Here's an example:

Original Letter:
Eric Wiesenthal, a "centrist" Democrat, writes that he is concerned that "America is not yet ready for...'socialists'" Really? Would he rather have his electricity provided by (publicly owned) SMUD, or (privately owned) PG&E? Hint: SMUD is cheaper.

He's a "strong supporter of the Affordable Care Act" which he never calls "Obamacare." Hint: single payer is cheaper and covers *everyone*!

Sure, the ACA is really "Romneycare," and was authored by the (Koch-supported) Heritage Foundation. It's a Republican plan passed during the administration of a Rockefeller Republican, Barack Obama. So it must be defended!

Wiesenthal is also a fan of the 1986 tax reform ("a bipartisan effort") that retroactively removed the last vestige of subsidies for affordable housing after Reagan cut the HUD affordable housing budget 75%. All the limited partnerships that built apartments went bankrupt after that.

With guys like this nudging the Democrats toward the right, who needs Republicans?
Foon Rhee's edit, and comment:
Here's the edited version we're willing to publish. Don't have the time to go through another long exchange of emails. So let me know if this is acceptable. If not, I'll move on.

A “centrist” Democrat writes that he is concerned that America is not ready for “socialists.” Really? Would he rather have his electricity provided by publicly-owned SMUD or privately-owned PG&E? Hint: SMUD is cheaper.

He’s a strong supporter of the Affordable Care Act. Hint: single payer is cheaper and covers everyone. The ACA is really a Republican plan passed during the administration of a Rockefeller Republican, Barack Obama.

The letter writer is also a fan of the 1986 tax reform that removed the last vestige of subsidies for affordable housing. All the limited partnerships that built apartments went bankrupt after that.

With guys like this nudging the Democrats toward the right, who needs Republicans?

My Response:
Sorry, I don't get it. Really and truly. The letter respects the 150 word limit. The reduction of HUD's budget that you omit is validated (and then some) by a Google search, as is the Koch-Funded Heritage Foundation's contribution to the ACA.

You seem to be a stickler for accuracy, but the writer is not a "letter writer" as you call him, he's an essayist appearing in your opinions > essay section. And why omit Wiesenthal's name? What does that accomplish? I say, a series of puzzling changes that make work for both of us.

Anyway, at least say he's an essayist, not a "letter writer," and publish it that way. If you're convinced by the links above, include that too.

Rhee's response:

Will fix essayist. As I said, don't have time or need to go back and forth on changes. 

The great thing about a blog is that in it, I get the last word...👍

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