Sunday, November 22, 2020

American Collapse - by Indi Samarajiva

This is a series of three articles

First:  I Lived Through Collapse. America Is Already There

Second: Collapse Takes A Lifetime. America Is Just Getting Started 

Third: The Sadness of American Collapse


I lived through Sri Lankan collapse. It took forever. I feel that Americans are really underestimating what’s going down, and how long it will take.

First off, yes, America has already collapsed. You can’t just step over your newly dead and poor. America has already lost more lives than in WWI and Vietnam, combined. The economic contraction is the worst in your recorded history. The rest of the world has stopped accepting your passports. Worst of all, this is all self-inflicted. Your leadership and 40% of the population drove off a cliff, and they’re still hitting the gas.

If this isn’t collapse, what is?

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