Sunday, November 22, 2020

To Marcus Breton, after he "attacks" Sue Frost, and answers her answer

Mr. Breton,

It was really entertaining to ready your "attack" on Sue Frost (that's what she called it) in the first place, and even more amusing to ready your answer to her answer. Does she really not know that the press gets the last word?

Anyway, poor Ms. Frost, a victim of fake news, obviously, has yet to put on her big girl pants (see here and here) and own up to racism in the U.S.

I've read that, based on surveys of emergency room visits for overdoses, all races use drugs equally, yet people of color are three and four times more likely to do jail time--and get longer sentences--for exactly the same crimes white people commit. Ms. Frost's fans say "Just enforce the law!", but the truth is that the law didn't arrive on stone tablets, engraved by lightning, and often was set up to criminalize innocent behavior so police could arrest those people of color (example: marijuana).

Perhaps the most damaging consequence of racism, however, was the way Harry Truman's "Medicare for All" proposal was rejected in 1948. The Dixiecrats were concerned they would have to integrate their hospitals, so they turned it down. How many thousands have died because of that? How many medical bankruptcies? (about 500,000 a year).

So...Ms. Frost may think humility is out of reach for white people, and racism as it exists is harmless, but reality says otherwise.

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