Thursday, November 5, 2020

Old News: DINO Ami Bera Votes like a Republican

AmiBera (D) Paul Ryan (R) McClin-tock (R) Matsui (D)
H.R. 3009 Punish Sanctuary Cities Yes Yes Yes No
H.R. 3009 Punish Sanctuary Cities Yes Yes Yes No
H.R. 4038 Restrict Syrian and Iraqi Refugees Yes Yes Yes No
H.R. 1599 Ban GMO Food labels (Genetically Modified organisms) Yes Yes Yes No
H.Res 644 Condemn President Obama Yes Yes Yes No
H.R. 2642 Reduce Food Stamps for the Poor Yes Yes No Yes
H.R. 37 Weaken Dodd-Frank (Encourage Risky Bank lnvestments) Yes Yes Yes No
H.R. 3350 Undermine the Affordable Healthcare Act Yes Yes Yes No
H.R. 1737 Prevent Action Aga inst Discriminatory Car Loans Yes Yes Yes Yes
H.R. 1314 Trans-Pacific Partnership (Encourage Jobs to go Overseas) Yes Yes Yes No

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