Sunday, January 21, 2018

Meddling in foreign elections

The recent kerfuffle about Trump's alleged (but still not proven) Russian assist in the election reminds me of some fairly recent examples of foreign policy / election connections:

1. There's evidence that Nixon meddled in the Vietnam peace negotiations to deprive Humphrey of that accomplishment. LBJ appointed Kissinger to the negotiating team, and Nixon made him Secretary of State...presumably after he dragged the "peace" negotiations on after the election. Nixon himself had a "secret plan" to end that war that turned out to include increased bombing, even in Cambodia. It took three years after Nixon took power to end, basically on the terms he could have had when he took office.

2. There's also evidence that Reagan's campaign colluded with the Ayatollahs to delay the end of the embassy hostage crisis Carter tried unsuccessfully to end. Carter refused to sell Iran replacement parts for all the goods the U.S. had sold the Shah, including plenty of military equipment. Reagan ended that ban when he took office. The hostages were released 15 minutes after Reagan was sworn in. (See Gary Sick's October Surprise book for many more details).

I've mentioned before that between 1798 and 1994 the U.S. was responsible for 41 changes of government south of its borders. If you want more evidence of U.S. meddling with overseas elections, Noam Chomsky's summary (here) is enlightening.

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