Sunday, January 21, 2018

Occams Razor meets the most recent election results (1/9/17)

Here are a couple of assessments of the Obama presidency that may be of interest: from Cornell West, and from the Black Agenda Report. Let's just say they're not happy.

So...I know it's popular, even a kind of pastime in Democratic circles, to criticize The Donald ("Ain't it awful how awful he is?")... but if D's simply blame others' behavior (Comey, the evil Russkies, including the evil Putin, Halley's Comet, etc.) then I doubt anything will change. More of the same means more losing elections. Too bad, because innocent people will continue to suffer.

The real question is how long will it take the D's to recognize their mistake and try something else (you know, like reviving the New Deal)? My estimate is at least a generation, if humanity survives. Sad, but true.

Max Planck, the discoverer of the quanta of quantum mechanics, encountered this same stubborn adherence to the old Newtonian physics among the physicists of his day--so it really has nothing to do with intelligence. Planck said "The truth never triumphs. It's opponents simply die off. Science advances, one funeral at a time."

I'm hoping I'm wrong about this, but am keeping my powder dry, just in case.

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