Sunday, January 21, 2018

Trump Hysteria (from a Canadian) 3/16/16

by Ian Welsh

So, yeah, I oppose Trump.

But let’s get real here.

America is already ruled by monsters.  Bill Clinton killed 500k Iraqi children for no particularly good reason (is there a good reason to kill half a million children.)  George Bush invaded Iraq.  Obama greenlit the destruction of Libya. Hillary Clinton voted for the war on Iraq and pushed hard for the destruction of Libya.

These people have crippled the economy for ordinary people, immunized bankers, destroyed safeguards put in to protect from another Depression and so on. 

They have deliberately made sure the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the middle class becomes the poor.

They have been completely inadequate on climate change.  They have gutted civil liberties (remember, Obama is worse than Bush on civil liberties.)  They all torture.  Obama deported more Hispanics than Bush, by a significant margin.

Clinton has been there for all of it and demurred for very little of it.

They are all monsters.

Every time you are offered someone better, you refuse. If someone truly decent runs, like say Kucinich you think that’s hilarious and would never consider voting for him because he’s not viable. Of course he wasn’t viable because you wouldn’t consider voting for someone who’s not a monster.

So, yeah, Trump may turn out to be worse.  But he’s just a greater evil, and Americans are used to voting for evil.

Heck, if Trump means what he says about foreign affairs, he may turn out to be the lesser evil.  Oh sure, he’ll be horrible for people with melanin inside the US, but if he doesn’t attack any countries while President, the net math will be in his favor.

So calm down.  All that’s happening is that the violence America has so casually exported to the rest of the world might be coming home.  If you didn’t mind it for other people, what ethical grounds do you have for objecting to it happening in your country?

Trump will probably be bad, if he’s President. But net worse than your other Presidents?  Yet to be seen.

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